
Well That Was Unexpected

Let’s go back to random topics of conversation like the last post. Remember the one where I was all worried about not having a job? I suppose that post was a bit of a drag but I was really down in the dumps. You would think after all these times that God’s been like ‘I…

Selling Myself

No, I’m not talking about selling feet photographs on the internet…. I suppose this is a bit of a random topic but it’s been consuming my life recently and I actually feel like I’m constantly selling a part of myself – aka, I’m looking for a job. The problem with this job search is that…

Still Here

Alright, so I’m back. I’ve actually written quite a few entries but I never posted them- I’m not entirely sure why. They were all about my struggles with losing my dachshund and to be honest, I still can’t talk about it without crying and I just didn’t feel like doing this anymore. I’m getting over…

More Loss

I don’t even know what to say anymore. I just know that my recent attempts to stay positive have failed miserably. I was trying so hard to stay positive during this challenging time in my life while also staying focused on learning programming.  It’s been quite difficult because my husband thinks that I have my…

Positive Thoughts

Well it has been quite a while since I’ve written in this blog. With the recent news of losing my job, I have increased my efforts to expand my career options. I’m unfortunately in a pretty rural area and finding a lab tech position will be challenging unless I want to drive an hour one…

I Didn’t Expect This One

Does any one ever feel like their world is crumbling around them? You know like when one of your strongest foundations falls apart or when the one thing you thought would be constant suddenly changes. You just get this sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach because suddenly you realize that nothing in your…

Testing The Waters

I don’t know if I can do this, it took exactly one week for him to get angry. He’s playing on my emotions again. He’s frustrated with my dogs, he’s tired, he has a headache. And apparently the worst thing is that his wife is cold and seemingly stuck up now. I guess every time he…


I sort of just want to spend some time talking about my walk with God this past year. I feel like I spend a lot of time on here complaining about my situation and I don’t really spend a whole lot of time talking about how He’s blessed me. I think I just had this…

The Next Step

There is a very good chance that I might make a very huge mistake this weekend, good intro, right? I’m so confused by my husband. I expected him to say he was going to change everything but not actually do it. He did change everything though. He found a group of guys to hang out.…

The Struggle

You know what I think is stupid, marriage. This whole idea that you should emotionally bind yourself to someone is awful. We feel safe in marriage, we feel like we finally have some one that understands, that will love you and take care of you. So we give ourselves completely to another person and let…


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